Friday, January 19, 2007


That which you keep and hold onto you lose. Go for everything with 100% dedication but if the results are not what were desired, be equally happy. OK, complain and scream for one day and then move on. Because defeat is not permenant and neither is success. Defeat and success only become fixed when we make it so. But holding onto either defeat or success will only cause one to miss the passing breeze.

This is just a reminder. Sometimes what I give, I admit that I also hope for a little recognition and response. I want love too. I need love. To be specific, I want your love. If the entire universe is spiritually linked, I know you feel me. I have faith.

Good night and moving along.

Monday, January 15, 2007


A life with love will have some thorns but a life without love will have no rose.

Most of the time when we pursue what we desire or like, we get very protective and defensive. Proctective of ourselves so that we won't be hurt, rejected and humiliated. Before we go about taking the first step, we already set many limitations. I love you if you promise to listen to all I say or I love you if you don't cause me pain. An endless list of conditions are placed upon the one we profess to love. Likewise, the ones who claim to love us also place on us such conditions. As you can see, we are all working on terms and conditions, like in a contract. What we fail to do is to understand that love is not conditional. When we set one simple condition of you must be like this or that, we no longer love a person but dictate to him or her to be our puppet on a string. In turn we become their puppets on a string and the thug-of-war begins. The one whose string snaps first will then be submissive to the stronger partner. Therefore in truth, we have only deprived ourselves from being loved.

And we defend the one we love from others. No one can get near because it is a threat to the relationship or is in breach of certain protocols. Again, we have cut ourselves dry from love because we are defending our territory as if it is a thing to possess. As a result, we block the flow of love from enriching our lives with peace and happiness.