Saturday, October 14, 2006

one step at a time

I have a dream and it is about something not necessary. It is what I always label to be an external fulfilment. But as long as I live in this world, so must I continue to playing its game. My desires, goals, feelings and negative dispositions are the concepts that the mind conjure. It is my only task to seperate truth from falsity.

I don't feel that I am coerced in to choosing between what is right and wrong. Because once I am debating in the realm of right and wrong, any decision I make is out of confusion and delusion. Then how can the question of what is right and wrong be a right question to ask?

Whenever a feeling operates from the ego or image, it is also operating from selfishness. Then I am taking from the person I declare to love. And that whoever comes near to the person I love, I feel threatened and try to defend my position. Whenever I work from the ego, each project is for a self-gratifying purpose. Then I only do things that benefit me. What is in it for me? Do I look good? Will I feel good?
Maybe no questions should be asked at all. Whatever feelings, emotions and actions that arise; they are synchronised incidents. It is what it is.
What I resist persists.

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