Thursday, October 05, 2006

you're beautiful

I am not a presentable singer and I am no where near being one. But I always imagine singing for my idol, Sally Yeh. Her voice is of course flawless and extremely mesmerising. Mine pales in comparison to hers. However, I thought it would be special if I could sing for her after listening to her voice for 15 years. Believe it or not, I did. It was on her birthday that we went to the karaoke. Her badminton-friends are warm, friendly and fun. They insisted that the fans must sing. So, I gathered-up my courage and sang my heart out. I sang "Wah Lai Yuen" and "Lan Hua Cao"; both of which are songs by Sally. But the best song that I sang that night was "You're Beautiful" by James Blunt. I love it!

the birthday bash!!!

1 comment:

森林 said...


沙麗回:Mui Mui Mui !!!